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How Loans Work

Cash Relief - why choose us for a loan

What our clients say.....

  1. Easy, confidential online application

  2. Fast Cash Loans

  3. Trusted New Zealand Lender

  4. Helps those with less-than-perfect credit ratings

  5. Have helped thousands of NZ people

  6. Everything is done online

  7. No awkward face to face meetings

What do you need to get a loan

Loan Costs in New Zealand

Borrowing short-term is not cheap and you need to understand how much instant cash loans or payday loans will cost before you borrow. Don’t use this type of loan for ongoing needs, just use them occasionally. At Cash Relief our fast cash loans are competitively priced when compared with other payday or cash loan lenders. The interest rate of 49.5% per year is fixed for the loan term. Every loan has an Establishment Fee of $200.00 or less for loans under $400. An Account Administration Fee of $10.50 per month is applied to your loan. There is an optional Express Payment fee of $5 if a 60-minute payment is requested. Compare the repayment cost of Cash Relief loans with other payday loan and cash loan companies as see that we are often cheaper.

Returning Clients

Once you have paid off a Cash Relief loan, you can apply again anytime. Since we already have most of your details, it’s a simple process to login using your email address and password and enter a loan request. Just enter the loan amount required, number of repayments, and give your consent to the displayed Credit Contract by checking the boxes and submitting. That’s all – nothing to sign! Your application is assessed and if approved, we deposit the money in your nominated bank account. If you want us to increase your credit limit, please ask. You may be able to borrow up to $800 after 3 loans, but this depends on your financial circumstances. And we often want to review updated bank statements as part of our review of your credit limit. We sent a bank statement link to do this. RETURNING CLIENTS

We aim to keep information about you confidential

We do our best to make sure the records we keep remain confidential. Unless you ask us to, we don’t contact your employer. However, we share some of your information with Credit Bureaus when we do a credit check, and they retain this information in their files. See the Privacy Waiver and Consent document using the link at the bottom of this page. You need to agree to this before submitting an application. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR BORROWERS

To be eligible for a loan the following criteria must be met:

– You must be earning at least $450 per week after tax from paid employment.

– Your pay must show in your bank account with your employer’s name

– You need to live in New Zealand

– You must be at least 18 years old

– You must have an active email account

– You need to have a mobile phone so we can communicate by text and phone

Help and Support

For all help and support check out our FAQ page for information about NZ Payday Loans.  or call our friendly team on 0800 503 114 during office hours Monday - Friday 9am - 4.30pm


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